
Signing up for training just got easier! Follow the link and request access to our database

Once you are granted access click on the “REQUEST TRAINING” link on the home page. Choose the equipment you want training on and submit.

Users can not be trained on Confocal or CellCut unless they have completed the EH&S Commercial Laser Safety Training and uploaded their certificate of training.
Please go to EH&S > Tools to complete the laser safety course.

Laser Safety Training

All STORM, SPIM, and TIRF users must complete laser safety training (non-commercial) prior to beginning a project on the STORM microscope. This training is not offered online. Refresher Laser Safety is then required every two years subsequent to Initial Laser Safety Training.  Please save your certificate of completion. You will need to upload it into our database.

Confocal & CellCut Training

NIF FV1000 Training Manual

2 hour training session. All users must complete the training class, as well as EH&S Commercial Laser Safety Training, prior to using the microscope.

VS120 Slide Scanner

1 Hour training

BX63 Widefield or MVX10 Stereoscope Training

1 hour training

VS120 Slide Scanner

1 hour training

Live Cell Incubation VivaView Microscope Training

30-45 minute training. The VivaView uses only 35mm Mattek glass bottom dishes.

STORM Microscope Training

Training on the STORM microscope can not occur until proof of attending the laser safety training course has been presented.