Neurobiology Imaging Facility 2019 Contest Winners

NIF Imaging Contest 2019 neurobiology imaging contest

2019 NIF Imaging Contest Winners

Thank all of you for your imaging submissions. The images were amazing and beautiful. It was very difficult to pick a winner but we have made a decision. Below are the winners and runner ups.

1st Place - Urs Langen, Chenghua Gu Lab, Harvard Medical School

Acquired with Olympus VS120 Whole Slide Scanner.
Optical section of a mouse embryo head E16 stained for pan vascular marker CD31 (white) and brain vessel specific marker Mfsd2a (red).

2nd Place - Christopher Minasi, Pascal Kaeser Lab, Harvard Medical School

Acquired with Olympus FV1000 Confocal Microscope.
Neuron in a primary hippocampal neuronal culture that was fixed and fluorescently stained for three proteins: In blue: Map2,  In red: Synaptophysin, in green: ELKS1 (an active zone protein, specific to my research).

3rd Place - Gil Mandelbaum, Sabatini Lab, Harvard Medical School

Acquired with Leica SP8X Confocal Microscope.
The 3 colors in the image reveal topographic organization of the parafascicular nucleus, a nucleus in the thalamus.


Honorable Mention

Swathi Ayloo, Chenghua Gu Lab, Harvard Medical School

Acquired with Olympus VS120 Whole Slide Scanner
The image is a snapshot of blood vessels in the cerebellum of a 10 day old mouse. In red are the blood vessels and in green are the nuclei of the cells that make up the blood vessels. The image captures the organization of blood vessels that feed the neurons and glia in the cerebellum. 

Brian Chow, Chengua Gu Lab, Harvard Medical School

Acquired with Olympus VS120 Whole Slide Scanner
Wholemount of Mouse Ear. Immune cells, Green and Vascular, Fire.


Ivan Coto Hernandez, Nate Jowett Lab, Mass Eye and Ear

Acquired with Leica SP8X Confocal Microscope
Confocal image of Schwann cells and myelin in a sciatic nerve cross-section, Sox10-venus mice. 


Urs Langen, Chenghua Gu Lab, Harvard Medical School

Acquired with LaVision Lightsheet Microscope processed with Imaris
adult mouse brain. Arteries stained with Hydrazide